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Christian Artists Home


Creating a platform for the flourishing of the unique potential of artists as well as the spread of Christian arts to accelerate and advance the kingdom of God”

Wedding Band

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1. Providing a platform for the community of Christian artists

(Artists forum, Pen forum, Music forum & etc.) 
2. Introducing the Christian artist's community to Persian society.

3. Creating a store to present the artworks of Christian artists.

4. Mentoring. 

5. Artistic research and discourse. 

6. Equip artists as much as possible.
(Provide basic needs like instruments or tools and hold training classes for growth and development in the field of artistic activities and their abilities )

7. Carrying out joint projects with artists to accelerate the kingdom of God

8. Providing services to encourage churches to organize artistic and cultural communities.
(How they can establish an arts community in church- How to disciple artists)

9. Accomplish seminars for the Artists.     

10. Extensive activity in the Social Media.
(Instagram / Facebook, Telegram and YouTube &…)

Dedicated Website for Artists' Home

Contact Us

P.O.Box 116353 Carrollton

Texas 75011-6353 

+1‪(757) 752-8755

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Mountain Ridge

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